Lake Technical Center joins the Florida Literacy Coalition and the Florida Department of Education to celebrate Florida Literacy Month by recognizing the accomplishments of literacy students and practitioners and by raising public awareness about the need to prioritize literacy as an important community issue.
September 10-16, 2012, is designated as the National Adult Education and Family Literacy (AEFL) Week. The goal of the National AEFL Week is to work side-by-side in every state, territory, and district to heighten public awareness, strengthen alliances, leverage resources, and increase the number of people who understand the vital role adult education and family literacy plays in our nation’s well-being.
Several events are planned this week including a special presentation by Ms. Erica Greene, Literacy Coordinator for the Lake County Library System. Ms. Greene spoke to the General Education Development (GED) prep and Adult Basic Education (ABE) students at 9:00 a.m. Monday, September 10 in the GED classroom, located on the main campus. Ms. Greene also spoke with the English Speakers of other Languages (ESOL) class on the main campus as well. In addition, all part-time off-campus and library programs also open this week. Lake Technical Center, in partnership with the Lake County Library System, offers ESOL, ABE, GED test preparation and AAAE at Cagan Crossing Community, Cooper Memorial, East Lake County libraries, as well as other locations throughout Lake County. According to Mr. Brent Stubbs, Adult Education Coordinator, “When two public institutions can collaborate, effectively maximizing their impact in the community, the people of that community win. The partnership between The Lake County Library System and Lake Technical Center does just that – and our communities are better for it. This opportunity to celebrate family literacy has a direct connection to economic prosperity, because, as the phrase goes, ‘readers are leaders’.” All adult education classes are designed to raise the literacy level of the participants so they can make greater economic contributions to our community and impact their children’s lives.” Call (352) 589-2250, ext. 137, for specific information and class times.

Ms. Erica Greene, Literacy Coordinator for the Lake County Library System
It is critical to the United States economy that our citizens increase their education levels. Consider these facts: 67% of the service industry’s jobs in 1983 required a high school diploma or less; this will shrink to NO jobs for high school dropouts in 2018. One in seven adults cannot read a job application. (National Assessment of Adult Literacy). In 2009, 14.6% of those without a HS diploma were unemployed compared to 9.7% of high school graduates; 8.6% of those with some college; 6.8% with an associates; 4.6% with a four-year degree or more. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Household Data Annual Averages, Bureau of Labor Statistics) In 2009, 24% of adults aged 25+ without a high school diploma lived in poverty, 12% of those with a high school degree or equivalent did so, and the rates continue to drop with educational attainment (American Community Surveyopens in a new window). Lake Technical Center has served nearly 5,000 of those individuals over the last 3 years.
Governor Scott recently issued a proclamation recognizing September 2012 as Florida Adult and Family Literacy Month. The proclamation stresses the need for highly literate citizens and the importance of lifelong learning. It also recognizes the contributions of the broad range of adult education, literacy and family literacy providers serving approximately 300,000 adults annually throughout Florida. The Department of Education has partnered with the Florida Literacy Coalition to promote Adult and Family Literacy Month to our adult education providers, to encourage use of this occasion to celebrate the accomplishments of adult education learners, to raise public awareness about how adult education impacts lives, communities, and the return on investment that it makes to our state’s economic well-being.