In the Weeks Ahead at Lake Technical College
- Special Charter Board of Directors Meeting, August 22, 2:30 pm in the Board Room
- Ice Cream Social for Evening Students, August 22, 5:45 pm – 6:15 pm in Cafe
- EMT/Firefighter Combo Graduation, August 23 at 10 am
- Public Safety Telecommunication (911 Dispatcher) Graduation, August 25, 4 pm at IPS
- 911 Ceremony at IPS, September 8
Accounting Operations / Administrative Office Specialist – The Accounting Operations and Administrative Office Specialist programs are pleased to announce our new instructor Samantha Hayes. Ms. Hayes comes to Lake Tech with over 15 years’ experience in the administrative/accounting field and most recently has been working at Lake Technical College, Institute of Public Safety.
Ms. Hayes would like to thank you all for all the support and assistance she has received with learning new things and helping her take on this new wonderful responsibility. You have all been great! She would like to give a SPECIAL thanks to Sonya Rosenglick and Bob Zehner for all the help they have contributed and just to say thanks for all of their hard work!
Both programs are off to a great start this new school year. We started the year with 21 students with many students having returned from the last school year. The new students have jumped right into learning new employability skills and the returning are working on their advanced accounting. All the students are excited about their new and exciting adventure and are excited about being at Lake Tech.
Nursing Assistant – As a requirement of the Florida Board of Nursing, all nursing assistants must pass a written and skill tests in order to be licensed and then hired. These tests are administered through Prometric on the Lake Tech campus. Often, there is quite a delay between the time the students graduate and when Prometric schedules the test. On Friday, instructors Joanne Nieves and Leslie Manning held a review class for a group of students who will be testing on Tuesday. Even students who have not yet been scheduled to test came to the practice session. To provide moral support and ease some anxiety, former graduates Chris Kibodeux and Jake Culbertson came by to say, “you can do this because we did and passed!”
Practical Nursing – Recently, Practical Nursing students from the full-time daytime program were invited to the City of Leesburg workers’ Safety Meeting. This was the second time we were invited and it has been fun and informative both times. This past Tuesday the students shared information about heat exhaustion and heat stroke with some great acting. We are hoping to be asked back again to share more helpful information.
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Paramedic – Congratulations to the 2016 Paramedic Program graduates. The 1100 hour program completed July 28, 2016. Over 150 family and friends gathered for the graduation ceremony which took place on July 28, 2016, at the Eustis Community Center. Fourteen students walked to receive their Certificate of Completion. They are now eligible to take their licensure exams.
Congratulations to these Lake Technical College 2016 Paramedic Graduates
Timothy Bielfelt, Joseph Boyce, Stephanie Brunson, Robert Isom, Jr., Kris Kloes, Steven Kyer, Lorrie Lucas, Neilia Reilly, Michael Ridge, Christopher Roberts, Michael Rock, Taylor Skipper, Amanda Watkins, DeVonte Webb, and Instructor Eric Harper.
The new class of 2017 Paramedics started on August 15. We are looking forward to an exciting year with the class of 32 students.
On Tuesday, Apollo will be arriving. Apollo is a human patient simulator who has a very unique airway management system allowing students the ability to suction airway secretions, to aspirate and infuse fluids, cricothyrotomy/tracheostomy and bronchial occlusion. Apollo responds to defibrillation, pacing and CPR compressions, which generate palpable pulses, blood pressure waveforms and ECG artifacts.
Apollo was purchased using grant funds secured through the Department of Health.
Medical Assisting – Instructor Beth Thornton started her class with a huddle and a thought for the day. After that it was time for the big Reveal. Two students (one returning and one new) are expecting babies and both already have daughters. The special cake was cut and blue filling could be seen on both sides. It’s a boy for each student! It was very exciting for all of the class and a welcome to the new student who is expecting.
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Team Building – On Monday, a team building exercise was held for the Medical Assisting and Pharmacy Technician students. The students had a discussion session with each other and enjoyed a fun health science themed candy/fruit/veggie buffet. Program assistant Linda Sturgeon went above and beyond with the buffet!
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Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts – According to Chef Ken Koenig, “Lake Tech Culinary students Rock!” They opened for lunch on the first day of school and by Thursday, they had one of the busiest days ever in food sales. In addition to breakfast and lunch, they also prepared afternoon snacks for students to purchase. On Thursday, the Fire Chiefs were on campus for a luncheon also prepared by the Culinary students. Chef K thought it was a bit ambitious for the first week of school, but the students walked out Thursday afternoon smiling and wanting more!
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Cosmetology – The students enjoyed getting to know each other while showing off their tower building skills using dry spaghetti noodles and marshmallows during the first day team building exercise.
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Lake Tech Fire Academy Special Operations – This summer’s US &R (Urban Search and Rescue) classes were very well attended. The last class in the series is a HazMat Specialist class which focuses on the FEMA requirements of a US&R HazMat Manager and Specialist on a US&R team. Class will be held on August 29-31 at the Institute of Public Safety.
Auto Service Technology – We want to welcome all the new and returning Automotive Service Technology students; it’s been a great week where we’ve had the opportunity to meet new faces. All of our returning students are happy to be back and were ready to work on their first day. The new students on the other hand have already shown their eagerness to work and they can’t wait to get out in the shop and get their hands dirty.
The picture shows one of our returning students changing a tire using our Hunter tire machine.
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Diesel Technology – Students in Randy Yates’ Diesel Technology program can’t wait for the new school year!
ESOL – The ESOL classes got off to an amazing start with 50 students from over 15 different countries. The pictures show the students practicing their English with their new classmates.
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Adult Basic Education and GED Prep – The Adult Education department participated in their annual Saturday workshop in preparation for new adult ed students on the main campus, nine off-site locations, and GED online. The teachers were updated with new state requirements, learned new instructional strategies, and shared best practices among one another. It was a great day and we have an awesome team ready to serve our GED and ESOL students!!
Our main campus Adult Education classes (ABE, ESOL, and GED) were off and running this week. Lots of new faces and many returning; it’s always great to see the students back! We now have a uniform for Adult Education, the nice heather blue shirts you may have noticed. The business office had to order more already, because they went fast.
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Marvina Hooper began teaching a new Beginner Adult Basic Education (ABE) class in the afternoons. The students have been so excited this week as they have been working on present participles and other language and reading skills; they even learned new vocabulary words while traveling around the world!
On Thursday we held a FreeRice challenge. Mrs. Netherton’s reading class challenged Mrs. Robert’s language class to a vocabulary contest – to see who could make the most points (and thereby earning the most rice for needy people). Mrs. Girard’s math class wanted to join in too. Mrs. Robert’s students scored the most points…..this time. Together, we raised lots of rice for needy families around the world, and learned some new words! Check out the site
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We ended the week with a workshop on the new Adult Education scheduling and attendance program. This is for our new “block” courses and programs that we tried out last school year. Programmer Tom Netherton instructed us on its use and its great new features to keep us on track.
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Student Affairs
Career Success Center Room 208A – The Career Success Center
Free September Workshops for Success – Each lunch session is ½ hour; late afternoon sessions are one hour. Bring your lunch to the lunch session. All workshops will be held in the Career Success Center on the main campus. Students should be prepared to take notes by bringing a tablet, laptop, or pen and paper. Please sign up by contacting Ms. Rosenglick via phone, email, or sign up on CSC door. rosenglicks@lake.k12.fl.uscreate new email (352) 589-2250, ext. 1855
Creating A Winning Resume | Learn current trends in what to include and not to include in your resume’. Best practices on delivering your resume’ will also be discussed. | Wed. Sept.7 | 11:30am – noon |
Wed. Sept. 7 | 4 pm-5 pm | ||
Thurs. Sept. 8 | 12 noon-12:30 pm | ||
Get Your Cover Letter Noticed | Learn best practices in how to introduce your resume to a potential employer so that he/she will read it. | Wed. Sept.28 | 11:30 am – noon |
Wed. Sept.28 | 4 pm – 5 pm | ||
Thurs.Sept.29 | 12 noon-12:30 pm |
Dr. Sherie Lindamood, Student Success Counselor, is holding a Tuesday morning study group for the Fire Fighting students. Dr. Lindamood provides academic support and personal counseling for students. Contact her if you have students with a need for her services.
Student Life
I Scream, You Scream, We All Screamed for Ice Cream! An ice cream social was held on Thursday to welcome the new students to campus. The administrators served, culinary students scooped, and a good time was had by all.
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Professional Development
FACTE (Florida Association of Career and Technical Education) is offering free online courses that may be used for in-service points for re-certification. In addition, some of these courses are approved for initial teacher certification (see Melissa Stephan for details). The classes last about 4-6 weeks, are offered online, and require attendance at a live session once a week. These courses are funded in part through Perkins. Click here for the catalog. Registrations are being accepted for the Fall courses only at this time.
Lake Tech Wellness
Career Advisor Lilliana Guardiola has volunteered to head up the Lake Tech Wellness Group this year. The first event will be the FL Hospital Waterman Pink Out 5K Run/Walk, Thursday, October 13 at 6 pm in Wooten Park. Registration free proceeds will help promote breast cancer awareness, diagnosis and treatment including mammograms for women in need. If interested, register at See Lilliana for more details.
In the Community
- Kim Frazier represented Lake Tech at the East Lake Chamber of Commerce meeting.
- Eustis Police Department – Between August 23 and 25th, State accreditation assessors will be doing an evaluation of the Eustis Police Department as they seek their first-ever State accreditation rating. They asked that we all support the police department in this quest. Lake Tech has included, “Good luck Eustis PD on your upcoming State accreditation” on our marquee.
Tech Tip

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