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Enterprise Students at Waterman Hospital

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Lake Technical College’s Enterprise Desktop and Mobile Support program students exercise their skill at Waterman Hospital. Students were given the opportunity to assist the Waterman team in installing the computers and printers prior to going-live in the new ED/OB tower. They were able to use the techniques and skills they have acquired thus far through their program, and experience them in a real career field scenario. “I cannot express the appreciation for Lake Tech and the valuable contribution made from all the folks that were sent to help with the preparation” says Vicky Pyle, Facility Director at Waterman Hospital.

Lake Technical College appreciates Advent Health – Waterman Hospital for providing this opportunity which allows our students to get the hands on experience they need in order to be successful in their future careers. At Lake Tech we pride ourselves on holding success as a tradition, and giving our students the opportunity to learn a career in a year.

If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Christine Robertson at 352-589-2250 Ext. 1835 or email at Robertsonc1@lake.k12.fl.uscreate new email.

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