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Enroll NOW – CNC Production Specialist

CNC Picture

Students enrolling in the CNC Production Specialist program for the 2019-2020 school year will receive a $210 tool kit thanks to a generous grant from the Gene Haas Foundation!

The kit will contain:

Can you imagine machining a part for the International Space Station?  Lake Tech CNC students can! Click this linkopens in a new window

Nearly everything we touch or see has had a machinist’s hand in bringing products to the market. Students will learn the most advanced Computer Numeric Control (CNC) virtual instructional and programming systems. The methods and techniques implemented during the simulation training are identical to those being used in today’s advanced machine industry.

 CNC Career Training

Students are also eligible to apply for a $500.00 scholarship. Four have been awarded so far!

Apply now online at www.laketech.orgopens in a new window

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