Florida Residency for Tuition Purposes
(State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.014: Residency for Tuition Purposes)
Residency information applies to all CTE students.
If a student (or student’s parent or legal guardian in the case of a dependent student) has lived in Florida for 12 consecutive months or more before the first day of classes of the term for which residency status is sought, he or she may qualify for Florida Residency for tuition purposes. This means that the State of Florida will pay a portion of the student’s fees. Non-residents will be required to pay the full cost of instruction, or out-of-state fees.
Upon application to Lake Technical College each prospective student who is claiming Florida residency shall provide clear and convincing evidence that establishes that he or she, or if a dependent, the student’s parent or legal guardian, has been a Florida resident for the preceding twelve consecutive months. No single piece of documentation shall be conclusive according to State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.014; therefore, Lake Technical College will ask for two pieces of documentation. The following may be considered acceptable documents to prove Florida residency. In addition to producing two or more of the following documents, there must be an absence of information that contradicts the applicant’s claim of residency.
- Driver’s license
- Voter registration card
- Vehicle registration
- Declaration of domicile
- Proof of purchase of a permanent home
- Transcripts from a Florida school for multiple years
- Proof of permanent full-time employment
- Benefit histories from Florida Agencies or Public Assistance Programs
If necessary, other documents may be used; see your Admission Office staff member for assistance if you cannot produce two of the documents noted above.
A student who meets any of the following criteria shall be considered an independent student for the determination of residency for tuition purposes; all others are considered dependent students and thus documentation from parent or legal guardian is required to prove residency.
- The student is 24 years old or older by the first day of classes of the term for which residency status is sought at a Florida institution
- The student is married
- The student has children who receive more than half of their support from the student
- The student has other dependents who live with and receive more than half of their support fro the student
- The student is a veteran of the United States Armed Forces or is currently serving on active duty US Armed Forces for purposes other than training
- Both of the student’s parents are deceased or the student is or was (until age 18) a ward/dependent of the court
- The student is working on a master’s degree or doctoral degree during the term for which residency status is sought at a Florida institution
- The student is classified as an independent by the financial aid office at the institution
- A student who does not meet any of the criteria above may be classified as an independent student only if he or she can provide documentation that he or she provides fifty percent or more of the cost of attendance as defined by the financial aid office at the institution.
If one cannot provide any of the documents noted above, but still maintains that he or she has lived in the State of Florida for 12 months or more and, therefore, should be considered a Florida resident, he or she may file an appeal with the Lake Technical College’s Residency Determination Committee. In order to appeal you must do the following prior to paying your fees:
Provide a written statement outlining the rationale for the request which includes:
- your full name
- a working telephone number
- a current mailing address
- an e-mail address, if you have one
Leave your appeal with a guidance counselor in the Admissions Office.