Friday Update 6/1/12

Did You Know….
  • Mark McKinney passed all eight ASE exams and has recertified as a Master Technician.
  • Linda Suskiewich just earned her Master of Science in Nursing (MSN).
  • Lake Tech will receive its AdvancED SACS CASI accreditation on June 23.
  • Lake Tech has been licensed by the State of Florida as a training center to teach Private Security Guard classes – both Class “D” and Class “G.”

Academic Affairs

Arts, Communication, & AV Technology
It’s been an exciting week in the Digital Design program with yet another student earning an industry position at Henn House Printing in Eustis. This is her first job ever (not bad for being only 17 years old!). Another student goes for an interview this afternoon, and yet another got a part-time position assisting a professional photographer with digital needs.

In class, students have moved from flat documents and are now learning and making folds, such as 16-pg broadside, parallel brochures (think Disney maps). It took all week, but they all finally perfected using Adobe InDesign to create the layout for a folding document that precisely fits to industry specs, inside a container, with Photoshop images and type. By the end of Friday this class had a whole new appreciation of calculating measurements and laying out brochures.

Health Science
Every single one of the Full-Time Evening LPN graduates passed their state boards! You read it right – 100% pass rate on the NCLEX-PN! Way to go students and kudos to the instructors, Jean Becraft and Karen Tindall, who worked so hard to ensure this group succeeded!

Recruiter Day for the Health Science graduates will be on June 20 from 11 – 12 noon in the lobby.

Congratulations to the recent graduates of the Emergency Medical Technician program. The 17 graduates were recognized during a ceremony held May 3. Melissa Stephan, Assistant Director, validated the Certificates of Completions.

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Hospitality & Tourism
The Iron Chef Competition will take place this week! Stay tuned for pictures next week!

Human Services
The instructors in the Cosmetology department are very busy trying to get this school year completed! We have had seven Cosmetology students complete and take the State Board Exam over the past month and all have passed!!! We have also had four Specialty registrations complete during that time.

This Monday, June 4th, the Day and Evening Cosmetology, Specialty Students and Instructors will be attending the International Premiere Beauty Show in Orlando, Florida. This is the largest educational hair show in the Unites States. There are over 760 exhibitors with over 48,600 expected in attendance. We are all excited to learn the newest trends and techniques, and will have lots of pictures to share with you next week!

Law, Public Safety & Security
As you know, Tuesday was the last day for Law Enforcement on campus until July. Graduations were spectacular.

Corrections’ recruits are in their Defensive Tactics block of training for half of their day and surviving nicely. The other half of their day is focused on operations and special inmate populations. Yesterday, the class toured Lake Correctional Institute and had a great learning experience. Monday they will tour the Coleman Federal Correctional Complex.

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Transportation and Logistics
The Auto Collision and Digital Design students have been working together making signs for the Lake County School District and Lake Tech. Check out their recent work….

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Adult Education
The end of the year is upon us and we are excited to say that many of our students have been tested and have achieved fantastic scores. Many have completed their requirements and are now ready for the GED test, some have completed their requirements for their programs here at LTC, and some are out there in the “real world” pursuing jobs or other endeavors. It is very satisfying to see our students achieve their goals and we feel very fortunate to have had a little part in their journeys.

Next year the GED test will become a computer based test and instructor Pam Netherton attended a workshop in which she received much information that will help us start preparing for this transition. We are looking forward to tackling this new challenge.

Have you seen the new doors on the GED classroom?

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Last week while working Career Pathways, instructor Aaron Luoma met an 80-year old World War II veteran who is diligently pursuing his GED at the Genesis Center. When Mr. Luoma approached him to participate in the retention questionnaire, he responded, “Are you sure you want to talk to an old guy like me? I’m just here because this (getting my GED) is on my bucket list.” That’s right. Our program is literally making a bucket list dream come true!

The gentlemen indicated that he had completed several tours in the South Pacific before the war ended and then went on to become a successful small business owner. He said that the idea of returning to school has been in the back of his mind his entire life. He now lives by himself in Leesburg and studies at the Genesis Center four hours every morning. He’s a hard worker who has accomplished many things in his life. Aaron could tell it is only a matter of time before he gets his GED – no matter what it takes.

GED…It’s just the beginning!

Student Affairs

Fifty-three students were inducted into the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) last week!!

To become nominated for membership in NTHS a student must fulfill the following requirements: complete at least one course and attain at least 50% of their program hours; be enrolled in a 600+ hour job preparatory program; meet the overall cumulative course grade average of 93% or better in their technical program; maintain an attendance rate of 90% or better (except Law Enforcement and Nursing which require 95% attendance rate); demonstrate good character and leadership skills; and be recommended by their program instructor.

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Admissions Team celebrates birthdays!

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Scholarships Awarded to Graduating High School Seniors!
Congratulations high school seniors from the class of 2012! Lake Tech awarded education tuition scholarships to at least one graduating senior from each Lake County public high school. The following are the Lake Tech scholarship recipients: Mitchell Nyhuis, East Ridge High School, Applied Welding Technologies interest; Nicholas Bennett, Eustis High School, Applied Welding Technologies interest; Christian Ramirez, Leesburg High School, Automotive programs interest; Mallory Taylor, Mount Dora High School, Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts interest; Jacob Church, Tavares High School, Emergency Medical Technician interest (currently enrolled in Fire Fighter program); Victoria Cannon, Umatilla High School, Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts interest; Corey Lambert, Umatilla High School (currently enrolled in Applied Welding Technologies)

In the Community

At the United Way Community Luncheon this week, Digital Design instructor Kerrie Johnson and her student Caleb Jensen received recognition and certificates for their work in preparing the United Way’s Annual Report. In addition, the Lake Tech Accounting students who participated in the VITA program also received their certificates.

Trudy Dailey attended a job fair in the Lake Square Mall on Friday, June 1. She was able to speak to many potential GED and CTE students.

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The Lake County Aerospace Roundtable was held at Lake Tech on Thursday. Experts from Enterprise Florida and the Small Business Development Center at UCF were on hand to discuss exporting with the local businesses who attended. After the meeting, several members toured Lake Tech.

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