Academic Affairs ~ 02/05/21


Veterinary Assisting
The new Veterinary Assisting program opened inside the Lake County Animal Shelter on January 19. If you would like to stop by and visit, let us know!
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HVAC/R and HVAC/R Rapid Credentialing
This week was refrigeration week in HVAC/R.  Three “soon to be grads” worked on installing new refrigeration equipment on the old walk-in cooler. They loved the challenge. As luck would have it, on Wednesday the Culinary program had a reach-in freezer go down and the same three students went to work. They properly diagnosed the problem and made the necessary repairs with parts we had in the shop. Their customer service was great and Chef K was a happy customer. One of the three students graduated on Thursday, he has a job that will require refrigeration work and feels very confident now. Another one has been hired by a refrigeration company in Orlando and also feels more confident. The third student is interviewing today and most likely will land that job as well. I am very proud of these students!
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Accounting Operations
Administrative Office Specialist
The excitement over being part the United Way’s VITA program has everyone in the Accounting Operations and Administrative Office Specialist program waiting for the tax season to begin. Our students will be volunteering their time to the VITA program this tax season. VITA is a great way for the students to interact and interview clients while preparing their taxes; it’s a great cause and helps the community. Lake Technical College has always had a strong partnership with the United Way of Lake and Sumter Counties and this tax preparation program is just one way we work together to serve our community.
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Pharmacy Technician
The Pharmacy Tech II students are completing community pharmacy experiential learning rotations at various locations throughout the area. During the student externships, they learn the real-world skills needed to work in community pharmacy. Students are shown proper workflow and compliance procedures under the directions of a pharmacy preceptor at the site. Students are interacting with patients, assisting in the order entry process, and are exposed to third party billing and inventory management. We would like to thank Burry’s Pharmacy, CVS, and Walgreens for our continued partnerships that allow our students to get hands-on experience while in the Pharmacy Tech program.

In the classroom, Pharmacy Tech I students are learning the practice of compounding non-sterile preparations under USP <795> guidance. They have been learning proper weight and volume measurement techniques, calculations, and have gained hands on experience compounding suspensions and creams specific to physician’s orders.
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EMS ~ 

Congratulations to The Eustis Paramedic class who graduated on December 21st.
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Ben Britton, John Brooke, William Clifford, Philip Costa, Dustin Dart, Olivia Evans, Nicholas Gammello, Bradley Hermesman, Ethan Hunter, Derek Jankowski, Joshua Kibler, Nelson Larson, David Manes, Jerry Orys, Nicole Parent, Alex Pennay, Josue Prado, Trevor Raylean, Kenneth Rinehart, Nicholas Schwarz, Kierra Simmons, Hunter Stagg, Matthew Stowell, Crystal Vicchiollo, Andrew Webster, Johnathan Williamson.

Emergency Medical Technician (Rapid Credentialing)
Students are beginning field internship (student rides). Field internship allows the EMT student to work as an EMT under the direction of the field preceptor. Students ride 75 hours with Lake County EMS and local fire agencies. Field Internship is the last phase of the EMT course before program completion.



Clermont Practical Nursing
Our Clermont Practical Nursing students were able to assist the Lake County Department of Health with the Covid vaccines. We are proud of our students and their willingness to be part of this very important public health activity.
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Nursing students from the Eustis class participated in clinicals over the past few weeks. They are practicing their skills, gaining confidence, and making Lake Technical College proud!
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Patient Care Technicians (Rapid Credentialing)
Congratulations to the Patient Care Technician students who completed their program in December. These students were part of the Rapid Credentialing grant offered through the State of Florida. The majority of students are already certified, hired, and working in this new profession!
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Professional Culinary Arts & Hospitality
Baking and Pastry Arts
Guest Chef Anna Burnett spent two days with the Baking and Pastry Arts students teaching them the fine art of chocolates! Creativity and patience = beautiful creations!
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Cosmetology, Facials Specialty, Nails Specialty
Students are practicing and preparing for finishing up their program so they can take their state license exams and get to work. One of our graduates was recently spotlighted in the “Lake and Sumter Style” magazine.

Click here opens in a new windowto see the article in Lake and Sumter Styleopens in a new window.

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Enterprise Desktop and Mobile Support Technology
Instructor Bruce Botts and his students are in the planning stages for a student run help desk. Meanwhile, students are earning their certifications and participating in several hands-on labs.
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CNC Production Specialist
Thanks to the Gene Haas Foundation for their donation of $10,000 to the CNC Production Specialist (manufacturing) program. The students will benefit greatly with scholarships, toolboxes, and other supplies needed for the program.
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Correctional Officer
Congratulations to the newest graduates of the Correctional Officer program! They finished their program last Monday and took their state test on Thursday. We were proud to serve the Department of Corrections with the training of their newest employees.Corrections 020521 Academic Affairs ~ 02/05/21


Florida Law Enforcement Academy
Best wishes to the newest graduates of Lake Tech’s Law Enforcement Academy! A special congratulations to Richard Diaz for receiving the Nam Knights scholarship; Ashley Oramas for earning the highest GPA; Richard Diaz for earning the second highest GPA; Jeffrey Hall for best in Firearms; and Elaine Little for the Defensive Tactics Award. Good luck as you take the state exam and enter this noble profession.
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Fire Academy – Special Operations Program
Truck Company Ops. The experience firefighters gain from their constant practice is important for when they face the real thing.
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Automotive Service Technology
The high school dual enrollment students who started in January are becoming very familiar with all the tools available to perform an engine removal. The student pictured is already self-reliant as he prepares the engine for removal.
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Adult Basic Education/GED® Prep
Free tuition is just the beginning for adult education students. Did you know you can earn a diploma and career certificate at the same time? Contact admissions @ 352-589-2250 ext1819 to find out how!
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